Many traders think the market is ahead of itself and ready for a correction.
There has also been some recent data showing that the economy might be a little stronger than traders and investors had thought.
But many traders who noted the number when they got to their desks thought otherwise.
With the dollar now back around 1.99 marks, some traders think it will soon pass the important 2-mark level again.
It appears that some traders now think there is a risk of the American economy slowing in response to events around the world.
If traders hear one - or even think they do - the dollar ought to fall further.
Some traders thought the numbers were too old to provide much useful information for the market.
He said some traders thought last week that the war could be over by the weekend.
When traders thought supplies were short, they quickly bid up the price of the light products far more than the heavy.
And yesterday many traders thought they heard a shout of confidence in the economy.