His actions eventually led to a dramatic change in retail trading laws in Victoria.
Joining this body, American officials believe, would lead to lowered Chinese tariffs and increased adherence to international trading laws, such as copyright.
Relaxing the trading laws benefited both Spanish America and Spain, but Panama's economic decline was serious.
When you sell your products and services, you must comply with a number of fair trading laws - covering areas such as:
In response to public pressure, the government changed retail trading laws in Victoria, Australia to permit weekend trading.
Penhalluriack continued to flout trading laws, opening his hardware store on Easter Sunday in 2005, under threat of a $10,000 fine.
Business and trading standards: enforcing fair trading laws, protecting consumers and giving advice.
Embarrassed, Germany promises to tighten trading laws.
Despite these changes retailers still face complicated and confusing trading laws, which stipulate trading hours based on size and product offer.
On Sunday trading laws restrict opening times to 11am-5pm.