At that time this was the most westerly location a small trading schooner could turn around.
As to the wisdom of your using the money to purchase a trading schooner, that is your affair.
"There was rumor that they went to the South Seas - were lost on a trading schooner in a typhoon, or something like that."
Though January had already come, months would have to elapse before any trading schooner was even likely to put into the bay.
But the lagoon had no entrance for even a trading schooner.
The captains of three trading schooners returned with him to Lord Howe.
Added to this, they had their own trading schooners, which plied the African coast and were captained by Dorian's trusted Arab followers.
He came to Monterey as master of his own vessel, the trading schooner Rover, in 1823.
The Samoset had been a trading schooner, when Duncan bought her in San Francisco and made alterations.
There might be a stray trading schooner running across from Tutuwanga.