Other types of drug use can lead to poor judgment about sexual behavior, including the practice of trading sex for crack and other substances.
Genesis 38:13-24 tells the story of Tamar (wife of Onan mentioned above) trading sex with her father-in-law Judah for ownership of a goat.
Seth Parnel, a "good-looking" (436) seventeen-year-old boy, deals with defining his sexuality and experiencing break-ups and trading sex for a home.
The charges range from graft to misuse of funds to trading sex for jobs.
Its resurgence is as much a social problem as a medical one, health experts say, traceable in good part to the increased use of crack among women and the practice of trading sex for drugs.
This is not surprising, as addicts often contract H.I.V. through sexual practices like trading sex for drugs.
Haltingly, she said, "There is nothing I can give you in return for your knowledge ..." So the idea of trading sex for power had not occurred to her.
But this is a book whose author describes trading sex for extensive free dental care, so it also has a distinctly mundane side.
Now she lingers every night at a bar across from the Hotel Capri in a black evening dress, picking up tourists and trading sex for money in a friend's apartment nearby.