In the United States the tradition may also derive from a Scottish poem:
However, it would be clearly wrong to claim that traditions such as blues, rock, heavy metal, rap or dance music derive primarily from 'art music.'
The deeply rooted bread, pastry, and dessert-making tradition derives from blending the above nationalities' products.
The foreign policy and diplomatic tradition of Serbia derive from its independent state in the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.
Their traditions derive authority from the Bible, and are therefore always open to reëvaluation.
Sellar suggested that this tradition may have derived from a garbled version of reality.
The sources from which tradition derives their stock are mainly three.
Lǐ suggested that this tradition may derive from an interpolation.
Many Costa Rican customs and traditions present throughout his work derive from the experiences acquired during this stage.
The tradition of the mute derived from guards historically posted by undertakers to safeguard the body.