Its 70 or so members are traditional Catholics, including some that hold to sedevacantism.
Many traditional Catholics have attempted to further expand on this latter standard.
He told the crowd of worshippers: "We are traditional Catholics.
Some traditional Catholics, for instance, say that weakening the authority of the church was a cause of this scandal, and should not be considered a solution.
Anti-clericalism emerged and persisted, while the traditional Catholics were energized in opposition to the emperor.
So what takes presidence according to traditional Catholics- the Church or the Law?
"There are 70-year-old men and traditional Catholics and young female divorcees like me."
Some traditional Catholics continue to observe the pre-1970 calendar.
In 2006, Scalia, approached by a reporter upon leaving church, was asked if being a traditional Catholic had caused problems for him.
Many traditional Catholics were energized in opposition to the emperor.