Schuckardt and Chicoine began a national lecture circuit advocating a return to traditional Catholicism.
He became noted as an expert in 'Golden Age' mysticism and a defender of traditional Catholicism.
Scrutinising "traditional Irish Catholicism" would call for a long-term commitment at local and national level.
Vichy authorities were strongly opposed to "modern" social trends and tried through "national regeneration" to restore behavior more in line with traditional Catholicism.
Both adhere to doctrines that for most people will be distant: unreconstructed Communism and traditional Catholicism.
Saints' relics play an important role in traditional Roman Catholicism.
Asked last week about the source of his political values, he said, "my religion, I guess," a brand of traditional Catholicism.
Integrism is a term to describe those who adhere to radical traditional Catholicism.
For example, the political concept of traditionalism is based around it, as are strands of many world religions including traditional Catholicism.
Coir's ideology can be described as a blend of traditional Catholicism and Irish republicanism.