Unlike traditional Christians, Unitarian Universalists assert no theology.
It became increasingly obvious that our convention leaders were really in conflict with traditional or mainstream Christians.
It is a very religious community with converts and traditional Christians and Muslims.
Under this movement, traditional Christians' emphasis on either individual salvation, end-times theology or the prosperity gospel have been challenged.
Mormons do not believe, as do traditional Christians, that God created the universe ex nihilo (from nothing).
Despite being harshly criticized by the scientific community and deemed superstitious by traditional Christians, Ouija remains popular among many people.
He abolished slavery and distinctions between traditional and New Christians, and overhauled education.
Talbott has offered three propositions which many traditional Christians consider are biblically based but Talbott considers can not all be true at the same time:
The Fellowship encourages traditional Christians to gather accurate information about groups that deviate from "essential Christian doctrines."
Amerie describes her parents as conservative, protective, traditional Christians.