The meaning of this was bringing together a new formulation for the traditional appeal of democracy with an innovative tie to broader participation.
Nevertheless, the Party was losing its traditional appeal to the Greek lower and middle classes.
When there is not only a chicken, but an organic, free-range chicken, in every pot, the traditional economic appeal to the working class can sound off key.
What easier solution than the traditional appeal to the patriotism of the Russian ?
She tried to marry Mademoiselle's mass market and somewhat traditional appeal with more cutting-edge content.
For sums like that, the traditional appeals that dealt with policy and ideology have proved insufficient.
Only the Marine Corps, the smallest force and the one with arguably the strongest traditional appeal to prospective recruits, has kept pace.
The first is the traditional "direct" appeal in which the appellant files an appeal with the next higher court of review.
For the Democrats, the same factors represent a chance to use their traditional economic appeal to reclaim middle-class voters who abandoned them.
There are pervasive trends in the Caribbean, where the clear waters, beaches and breezes are the traditional appeals.