Prohibited was the playing of anything but traditional classics by Hank Williams, George Jones and other performers of true country.
In Farmingdale, St. Luke's Bach Choir stays with the traditional classics tonight when it offers its spring concert.
At the age of 27, Sai On traveled to Guangzhou in China, where he studied economics, geography, and political administration alongside the more traditional Chinese classics.
While the prices of some traditional classics have remained flat or have gone down, conventional wisdom has been disproved by recent auction results.
Cape Town City Ballet mainly performs versions of traditional classics reworked by resident choreographer, Veronica Paeper.
The menu will be in four sections, with some traditional classics, seasonal dishes, some vegetarian specialties and a group of dishes inspired by other countries.
Little or no foreign music is permitted, instead a variety of traditional Burmese classics are played, according to the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
They sing a mix of music from traditional choral classics, Welsh hymns and modern pop music.
The work is not one of the traditional six Confucian classics, but rather the embodiment of Confucianism suitable for teaching young children.
In 1849 the university decided to institute examinations in natural science and in history with law, in addition to the traditional classics and mathematics.