When asked about the traditional criticism of Quebec League forwards - that they are weak defensively - Dumont said: "I play defense.
So big, so bloated, so slow-these are traditional criticisms leveled at any new Windows release, and Vista was no exception.
This perspective owes much to Dada and to traditional avant-garde criticisms of art.
There is a widespread sense...that traditional, confident criticism, based on argument and telling people whether the book is any good, is in decline.
Ms. Sontag's work made a radical break with traditional postwar criticism in America, gleefully blurring the boundaries between high and popular culture.
Yet, traditional criticism has generally been uninterested in the widening of vernacular expression among groups previously unable to record their voices.
There are four primary types of Biblical criticism: form, traditional, higher and lower criticism.
To these traditional criticisms can be added more recent ones.
At the same time, he did not relent in his country's traditional criticism of the Israeli government, which he said was itself "founded on terror and killings."
Critical methods for television have been "...extrapolated from traditional literary and dramatic criticism."