New forms of entertainment are developing in Java using traditional idioms.
The Coverdale Psalter has also been included to provide the texts in the traditional idiom.
Scored in a traditional, lightly dissonant idiom and cast in three sections, the work makes fairly democratic demands on each of the orchestra's departments.
Their accomplishments are more sophisticated than the glib co-opting of the traditional idiom by some jazz newcomers.
They are sonic sketches of Ibarra's sound that include both traditional and avant-garde musical idioms.
On the other hand, a few practitioners e.g. Quinlan Terry still work in a traditional classical idiom.
He also incorporated traditional Jewish musical idioms into his use of dense polyphonic textures.
In a traditional English idiom, the sweat of one's brow refers to the effort expended in labor, and the value created thereby.
His early style was modernistic, later he used more traditional neo-Romantic idioms.
Only the music created slight differences and this not markedly because the composers used the best of commonly recognised traditional musical idioms.