The first owners to be charged have taken the case to the Supreme Court, saying that their traditional livelihood is being destroyed.
Raising goats, camels, and cattle is the traditional livelihood for people in this region, which gets only a few weeks of rain per year.
Some commercial fishermen say they are being deprived of their traditional livelihood.
Their traditional livelihood was based on hunting and trapping.
More than 1.5 million mostly poor Indians will be displaced or have their traditional livelihoods altered, environmentalists say.
Their traditional livelihood was the collection of non-timber forest products in the areas that are now the sanctuary.
Agriculture supplemented by fishing and hunting has been the traditional livelihood among Finns.
Though most fishers are sympathetic to the dolphins' plight, it is difficult for them to abandon their traditional livelihood.
This group is bridging traditional livelihoods and new opportunities, sometimes replacing but often merging with each other.
Ko Chang's income comes largely from tourism, but some traditional livelihoods still exist.