Kids are not doing the traditional meeting and dating.
It will be the third consecutive year that the traditional season-ending meeting between the teams decides the title.
There are traditional meetings of the rector and students every semester.
By custom, all males of full age have a right to petition the king directly through the traditional tribal meeting known as the majlis.
In 1935 the club held the traditional meeting with the rival team after a match, where no women attended.
The Department organizes traditional scientific meetings and field trips for both specialists and students.
Most speed networking events begin in the style of a more traditional meeting: an open room for mingling.
It did not allow a traditional attorney-client meeting, though.
Same time same place - the traditional meeting in a room with all parties present at the same time.
There is, in fact, a traditional annual meeting to deal with the hard facts and, at the moment, unpleasant realities.