On traditional fixed-rate mortgages, borrowers face another decision, about points.
Both are usually referred to as second mortgages, because they are secured against the value of the property, just like a traditional mortgage.
The traditional 30-year mortgage with guaranteed payments is increasingly a loan of the past.
A common "error" is to include the capital repayment element of a traditional mortgage as an expense.
In many traditional mortgages, home buyers pay 20 percent down to avoid buying personal mortgage insurance.
Rates on traditional fixed-rate mortgages have shot up over the last year.
Sometimes, an owner finances all or part of a down payment, and the buyer takes out a traditional mortgage for the remainder.
"What you're really getting is an interest-only payment schedule combined with a traditional mortgage," he said.
Such loans typically offer a lower rate than a traditional mortgage.
But what they did not know was that the traditional 20-percent-down mortgage may no longer be the mortgage of choice.