This time, Micki noticed, Adam made a conscious effort to shorten his stance from the traditional karate posture to the shorter, crouching kali position.
First, there is increasingly a need for senior managers (who, not so incidentally, presently are virtually all white) to modify their traditional posture of being above the fray.
The position is known in several European languages as tailor style, from the traditional working posture of tailors; compare tailor's bunion.
Instead of copying traditional academic postures, Rodin preferred his models to move naturally around his studio (despite their nakedness).
The wolf snarled and lunged at Tippy, who immediately flipped over on his back in the traditional posture of canine submission.
But after they were gone, Spock sat in the traditional posture before the stone meditation statue in his room.
It is also the traditional and optimal posture for deep meditation.
The end of the cold war has dramatically altered the rationale for Sweden's traditional nonaligned posture.
Syria's expulsion from the Arab League on Wednesday marks a change for an organisation whose more traditional posture is astride a fence.
Palo Barba fenced less flamboyantly, but with great emphasis upon traditional postures.