The sale of the educational unit brings to an end the Thomson corporation's participation in traditional publishing.
In those six years, employment in traditional paper-based publishing is down 13 percent.
In traditional publishing, both the author and the publisher take a risk.
Microfilming allowed catalogs to be updated without the expense of traditional publishing.
This will be especially important as self-publishing continues to rise, flooding the market with books that wouldn't make the cut in traditional publishing.
Everybody seems to be saying that traditional publishing is going through a revolution.
The business model for traditional publishing, due to the discount structure on the high street and the internet has changed everything.
Q: To what degree is the so-called new media a threat to traditional publishing and broadcasting?
A question lies behind the announcement: Can traditional publishing provide the kind of growth required by a public company?
Additionally, the network is engaged in both traditional and electronic publishing and distribution.