They differ fundamentally from traditional qualifications in a number of ways:
They differ fundamentally from traditional qualifications, because they give recognition for what people actually achieve at work, rather than merely testing the ability to learn.
Educational institutions need to place more emphasis on creativity and the arts rather than on traditional qualifications in the areas of engineering and management.
The college also supports adult learning for over 21s, including those without existing traditional qualifications but the necessary experience and intentions.
For those without traditional academic qualifications the college will consider applicants who have a portfolio of relevant work experience.
"If you've been out of education for a while or don't have traditional qualifications, it's likely you have valuable transferable skills through work and life experience."
Within it there is some discussion of the relative performance of students with traditional and non-traditional qualifications.
Entry requirements vary depending on the course but traditional academic qualifications are not necessarily the only possible entrance route.
They may be appropriate for learners who do not have traditional qualifications, or who have been away from learning for a long time.
Entry-level courses are available for those who do not have traditional qualifications.