It has traditional rooms, even if some are pretty big.
The 365 traditional rooms and suites range from $155 to $270 for a double.
There are 16 traditional rooms in the house and 37 new ones adjoining.
It has a gable roof and traditional three room first floor plan.
It will cost students $900 more per semester than traditional double rooms but already has a waiting list for the 2004-5 academic year.
On the other hand, both work in traditional and modern rooms.
The units, which will allow more light and air into the building than traditional rooms would, come in two versions.
The show also got rid of the traditional green room, where the cast would hang out.
The cost is at least $300 a month higher than for traditional rooms but has generated a waiting list, too.
And of the new projects, only 3 percent were for traditional dorm-style rooms.