The Maritimes remained a holdout for traditional verse.
He relied on folkloric elements and popular, traditional song-like verses.
English speakers sometimes remember the number of days in each month by memorizing a traditional mnemonic verse:
The stated objective of this anthology was to showcase American poetry in traditional verse by poets born since 1940.
A monument on the site of the battle, also known as Lilliard's Edge, records the following traditional verse:
Until 20 years ago, local folk bards reciting traditional verses were a feature of every Palestinian town.
As a very young man he moved in London literary circles championing more traditional verse and writing against modernism.
Once Shakespeare mastered traditional blank verse, he began to interrupt and vary its flow.
In 1901 he published Le Verlibrisme, a defense of traditional verse.
He wrote in traditional rhyming verse; while frequently employing free verse.