She offered a hand, seizing Mark's forearm in a traditional warrior's grip when he took it.
As an adult he became a medicine man, not a traditional warrior.
Then, after the soldiers spend more than a year away from much of their normal training regimen, they have to be remade into first-rate traditional warriors again.
This was a more serious reference to the sacred katana, symbol both of the traditional Japanese warrior's power and of his exalted status in society.
Uderzo's first sketches portrayed Asterix as a huge and strong traditional Gaulish warrior.
The army was made up of the güeches, the traditional ancient warriors of the Muisca.
This was the closest he was going to get to the traditional warrior's helmet, he knew.
He said he recruited them from the Berber tribes because they're traditional warriors.
But she wore her hair in the long, traditional warrior's queue as, indeed, did the Dai-San beneath his high helm.
In eastern Congo, tribal groups and traditional warriors are still battling for territory.