Within Somali culture especially, khat chewing has a long history as a social custom that traditionally brings people together to relax and to encourage conversation.
For men, Valentine's Day traditionally brings forth ties, red suspenders or perhaps a silver picture frame.
Guests traditionally bring small gifts or cards with money or checks, as a way of supporting the graduate's college tuition.
After the ordination itself, members of the new priests' families traditionally brought forward the gifts of bread and wine for communion.
She said men traditionally bring the first wife first, but of late many prefer to bring the youngest.
These have been the substances that traditionally brought huge profits and stunning growth to specialty chemical companies.
The audience has also traditionally brought another essential ingredient: tolerance for the discomforts associated with outdoor festivals.
The natives of Guyana traditionally brought the product to town in bottles, and it is available on the US market in bottled form.
The Festival traditionally brings together a few thousand people.
Dutch cheese farmers traditionally brought their cheeses to the market square in town to sell.