F. Alan Smith has that distinction, if history is any guide - G.M. has traditionally chosen a finance man for chairman.
A Wayne Citizen of the Year, honored for contributions to the Village, is traditionally chosen at this event.
Their mentor, traditionally chosen from another discipline, was named as Ilven Fend.
The U.A.W. has traditionally chosen its primary target just around Labor Day, after talks with all three companies over the summer.
The tournament has traditionally chosen to limit its exposure, despite some efforts by previous regimes at CBS Sports to expand it.
Diabetes experts have traditionally chosen refinements, primarily because, until very recently, no preventive strategy seemed at all likely.
Liceo: it is the general purpose kind of school, traditionally chosen by those wanting to pursue higher education (university or arts academy).
The Chief of the village is traditionally chosen by the Council of Elders from the "royal" Sall family.
American cars are traditionally chosen for the role.
Guests of Honor are traditionally chosen to showcase professionals who reside in the Westercon region.