There are 19 specialized laboratories within this research center, which aim to contribute to regional development, traditionally oriented towards technical industries.
The villagers, traditionally oriented towards forestry and hunting, are increasingly turning to livestock farming and tourism in recent decades.
Several kinds of maps are often traditionally not oriented with North at the top:
These maps are just as accurate as traditionally oriented maps, because the position of North at the top of maps is arbitrary.
Reworking foreign policies traditionally oriented toward the United States and France, Latin leaders are discovering that their fastest growing trade is with their neighbors.
The conference will begin Thursday with Allied Professionals Day, when sessions will be geared to more traditionally oriented psychotherapists, psychologists and other health workers.
Flying Fish played a major role in bringing traditionally oriented American music to a wider audience in the 1970s.
This work should soon find its way into more traditionally oriented programs.
The more traditionally oriented "pure and simple" trade unionists, who could be found in craft unions like the carpenters or the Teamsters, have been slighted by comparison.
Curative care or curative medicine is the kind of health care traditionally oriented towards seeking a cure for an existent disease or medical condition.