Now it is fifth graders who traditionally spend a week at Camp Hi-Hill.
The fund-raising arms of the two parties in Congress traditionally spend millions in tight races, but they typically wait until the weeks before the election.
"And as we head into the fall," he added, when advertisers traditionally spend the largest portions of their annual budgets, "it's whoo boy!"
It was also where newly-weds traditionally spent their wedding night.
Although men traditionally spend less time caring for their skin than women do, their skin needs should not be ignored.
It traditionally spends the most in total, but its annual percentage stays around 20 cents or less per $100 generated.
Chapter 3 The next day was Watersday: people traditionally spent it in worship and relaxation.
The Sarakatsani traditionally spent the summer months on the mountains and returned to the lower plains in the winter.
Homeopathic physicians traditionally spend considerable time finding a unique cure for each person.
Women, of course, traditionally spend more of their lives preparing food.