Prostitution in Mongolia is illegal but many women who enter prostitution are young women who are trafficked abroad.
In 2007, the government assisted IOM with the repatriation of three Uruguayans trafficked abroad.
Some, indeed, are forced into prostitution, often after being trafficked abroad on the pretense that they will work as a maid or waitress.
At the same time, Sri Lanka protected some victims of trafficking, including Sri Lankan nationals trafficked abroad.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moroccan diplomatic missions provided assistance to Moroccans who were trafficked abroad.
Cultural taboos generally prevent the trafficking of young boys for sexual exploitation, however, some cases have been noted among Romanian children trafficked abroad.
The central government does not provide protection services to Indian victims trafficked abroad for forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation.
Sudan is also a transit and destination country for Ethiopian women trafficked abroad for domestic servitude.
The significant number of Colombians trafficked abroad, however, reflects the need for increased prevention efforts and victim services.
The government has no dedicated programs to assist the significant numbers of Bolivians trafficked abroad and later repatriated to the country.