Probably Flagrant would have turned, except stopped traffic, waiting for the light, blocked the intersecting streets.
Looking back, watching him watch her drive off until the traffic blocked her sight of him, she got the most eerie feeling.
He could jump the traffic blocked in the downpour.
The Interfax news service reported that firefighters were forced to carry equipment on foot to the scene when traffic blocked their way.
He said that PayPal was eager to find a solution to the problem of having its legitimate e-mail traffic blocked.
Once Xiao Li reached the tea garden, the traffic on the street blocked Wayne's view of him.
The constant traffic in and out of Moyer's blocked the traffic at this narrow spot.
The car finally came to a halt near the Avenue of the Americas, where traffic blocked his way.
In Beijing, traffic leading to Ikea often blocks the city's fourth ring road.
With traffic safely blocked, the roadway is declared a "street now open."