Dumpsters would also be a great way to enliven traffic medians, Mr. Smith said.
She lies in the gutter of a curving traffic median.
A forlorn person standing at a freeway off-ramp, on a traffic median or near a bank holds a handmade sign: Family to feed.
When traffic islands are longer, they are instead called traffic medians, a strip in the middle of a road.
Police find their car parked on a traffic median with them in it, discover that they are clearly stoned and arrest them.
Using cast rubber, Mr. Fisk made a model for a traffic median that looks like a steak.
Upon entering St. Johns there is a conspicuously placed sign in the traffic median.
My one access to nature is the traffic median running up Broadway.
The artwork is located in the traffic median on the east side of the North Avenue Bridge.
Sarah finds him pacing in a traffic median on a bridge.