In the past few years, 76 victims of human trafficking operations have been rescued in Costa Rica.
For each person rescued from a human trafficking operation, there are at least 20 cases that go unreported, according to Costa Rican immigration authorities.
Like those in Cali, Mr. Carrillo's trafficking operation is said to be a model of criminal security, well managed and highly compartmentalized.
He took me out into the country and showed me how he runs his trafficking operations on the waterways.
In one ongoing investigation, law enforcement officials arrested six individuals who appeared to have been running a trafficking operation for over a decade.
The Eastern European trafficking operations, from entrapment to transport, tend to be well-oiled monoethnic machines.
In the early 1980s he began incorporating cocaine into the cartel's trafficking operations.
García Ábrego is widely known for innovating Mexican trafficking operations, turning them from smugglers into suppliers.
Some identity brokers allegedly assumed a Puerto Rican identity themselves and used that identity in connection with the trafficking operation.
Lauren makes friends with a young Russian girl named Anna, a victim of a brutal human trafficking operation.