Then I concluded that he was suffering from an overdose of tragic, courtly love, perhaps not so unusual at his age.
There are also several sub-plots involving themes such as tragic love, and serial killers.
Each work has the look and feel of a still from some tragic love story film, which gives these paintings a powerful narrative quality.
It is a tale of tragic love, set in turn-of-the-century Beirut.
A tragic first love may become an asset to you, fifty or a hundred years from now.
She knew that most supposed she had a secret lover or a tragic lost love.
Black Jack's tragic love, whom he met and courted during their internship.
The theme of tragic love between two young people from feuding families goes back at least to Ovid.
And she awoke to her father's voice, soaring in a ballad of tragic love.
Erlet's novels draw on realistic history with passion and tragic love.