If your work here is connected to this tragic murder and you have evidence of that, you must tell me, and then report it to the police.
Calleigh, not wishing to upset Eric in his critical condition by reminding him of her tragic murder, demurs for the time being.
Who would possibly suspect any connection with a tragic murder all that time ago?
I'd like to interview you about the tragic murder-" "I'm not giving interviews," she said firmly.
He also added that "The tragic murder of the governor of Punjab shows the urgent need to make progress in this direction."
Later, he was sent to Bangalore to study medical education, but soon had to come back after the tragic murder of his father.
"All New York is touched and moved by this tragic murder," the Governor said.
But among them must surely be the tragic murder of local teenager Rosie Duff.
This year, with the Democratic primary campaign shadowed by the tragic murder in Bensonhurst, the message is the same but far more emphatic.