There was a chance, just a chance, that an undertime trail might remain.
The trail remained because no matter how cracked and weathered pavement must become in time, it made thin, poor soil.
Whether Nanogen will blaze that trail, of course, remains to be seen.
The trail remains on the ledge for 0.3 mile (500 m), then drops down again more gently on the north slope.
The trail remains relatively straight through most of Eastham, and at-grade road crossings are fairly frequent.
After about 2 minutes the ball of light disappeared, and only the trail remained.
The walking trail features placards displaying some of their paintings at the settings they were actually painted; some features depicted remain clearly recognisable today.
The ruins stood everywhere, but most were inaccessible at elevated locations to which not even a mule trail remained.
The trail of the gnomes remained as plain to see as ever, but now Hal began to move ever more slowly forward.
Damage from hikers forced the National Park Service to close a trail leading to the crater, but a short trail at the base remains.