The turnoff for County 102 is next to a funny-looking metal structure with a trailer parked in the yard.
It was actually a large trailer parked near the Texaco station.
Since his divorce, he has been living alone in a squalid trailer, parked at the edge of town.
At least two guards are always on duty, while the others relax or sleep in a trailer parked in front of the museum.
To the west, he could look straight across at the laboratory, and Malcolm's twin trailers parked near the far edge of the clearing.
Most had trailers or trucks parked in their yards.
Rick's brother lives in a trailer parked in their driveway.
It looks more like a trailer parked on a job site than an architectural office.
He was heading towards a particularly large trailer parked in the centre.
It was an abandoned shell of a house with a trailer parked in the front yard.