Giachetti trained Tyson for his next four fights, those against Henry Tillman, Alex Stewart, and the two fights against Donovan "Razor" Ruddock.
But Kevin Rooney, who trained Tyson until he was dismissed in late 1988, disagreed.
Reid trained Tyson in the 1990's, albeit for only a week.
At one point, Bobby Stewart was going to train Tyson after witnessing him getting into a fight, however, he chose not to, leaving D'Amato to continue training Tyson.
D'Amato trained Tyson, setting for him the goal of the heavyweight title.
Atlas trained Tyson when the fighter was an amateur, and later broke with him over an incident that Atlas said involved Atlas's sister-in-law.
Meanwhile, the veteran trainer Richie Giachetti is training Tyson.
Their major investment is in Teddy Atlas, the former Cus D'Amato protege who trained Tyson as an amateur.
Rooney trained Tyson for his first 35 fights but was dismissed in 1988.
"He'd verbally, and a little physically, force himself on girls in school," said Atlas, who trained Tyson as an amateur in Catskill.