The two six-month training courses in 1942 for women alone trained nearly 55,000 snipers.
Zahorski trained alone for two and a half months while he recuperated.
Owairan trained alone during his incarceration and then played soccer with friends after his release.
Eventually, the other live-in students moved away, and when Saito returned from work, he would train alone with Ueshiba.
The companionship was a big boost for Pantos, who trains alone.
Glasgow Warriors ordered Parks to train alone while his future was considered.
He trained alone with a private coach until 1.
This approach is rare in the United States, where horses often train alone on the same dirt tracks where they race.
No other high-level runner wants to train at Schlapak's slow pace, so he trains alone.
"Those who train alone never perform up to their full potential," he said.