Henry Ford Hospital annually trains more than 500 residents and 125 fellows in 46 accredited programs.
The role of this unit is to annually train one platoon of jump-qualified recce soldiers.
It trains almost 110,000 workers annually, starting in September.
Today, USAF units train annually with other Asian Air Forces in Thailand.
Also, through the support of the Box Hill North Football Club, a Japanese player receives a scholarship to train and play in Australia annually.
The Militia Infantry would meet to train annually, or be called out upon an emergency.
The Institute was originally conceived as tuition-free, providing technical training as well as academic and communication skills training to 600 students annually.
The firm annually trains 1,750 new brokers, who are now called financial consultants instead of account executives, indicating their broader activities.
When not deployed, soldiers train annually at Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site and the National Training Center near Barstow, California.
In college annually trains over 5000 students and 7000 students - the faculty training and professional retraining of specialists, each year more than 650 people trained in the internship, residency, the graduate school.