The college's initial intention was to train counselors who were well-versed and practiced in areas of spirituality and consciousness.
Her work there included seven visits to the city, she trained teachers, social workers, school nurses, and counselors.
They have donated time to train counselors for Camp Albrecht Acres and other summer camps for people with disabilities.
Camps are not required to train counselors or make background checks.
They have also trained counselors to help people who are emotionally rattled by the jump in violence in their neighborhood.
It is also working with the Y.W.C.A. to train counselors and leaders of local groups.
Counselors Being Trained Kaiser is training counselors to work with those who learn they are infected.
Many of the centers affiliate with two national groups, Heartbeat International and Care Net, which train abortion-recovery counselors.
The Community Outreach Program has trained counselors working to reduce domestic violence.
And local health officials here in the Western Cape province, who had already trained nurses and counselors, quickly rolled out the program in this ramshackle township.