Two station workers appear and put the mailbag (with Bean still inside) onto a train, destined for Moscow.
Prior to 1967 N was used to signify trains destined for the erstwhile North Eastern region.
Perambur, incidentally, is a designated for a number of express/super-fast trains destined to Chennai Central.
In January 1928 the SAL leased the GF&A, creating a shortcut for trains destined for Florida.
In the afternoon/evening rush, riders will see some trains destined to "Willow" and others to "Long Beach."
The first was an empty train 74363 destined for Nijmegen railway station.
Arriving in early April, she was then sent aboard a train destined for the 2nd British General Hospital in Le Havre.
Four individuals, from different walks of life, meet on a train destined towards Mumbai.
Then, the men boarded a train destined towards Malinta, which was American-held territory.
The Midtown service was suspended, and the lines' trains destined for Penn Station were rerouted to Hoboken.