"Whe the train jolted to a halt, the children flew all over the place," she said.
When the train jolted forward, the blast of its whistle dying over the fields, she sat by the window, lighting another cigarette.
The wheels spun, then found purchase and the train jolted forward with the couplings clanking.
Starting toward the exit, he paused to light a cigarette, while the train jolted away on its journey.
I stood, struggling to keep my balance as the train jolted me backwards and forwards.
The locomotive of the local was clanging its bell as the train jolted slowly into the station.
The train pulled into the station and jolted to a halt.
The train jolted along, stopping every little while, each time in what looked like empty countryside.
When the train at last jolted to a stop, Puck looked around, walked casually towards the front, opened a door and disappeared.
The train jolted into motion, throwing him against a steel upright.