We train parents through meetings with social workers, and by providing behavioral therapists for their children.
The key to reducing child poverty is training parents for employment, placing them in real jobs and providing child care while they work.
Newark is experimenting with a "parent volunteer academy," using a $400,000 private grant to train parents for specific duties in its 82 schools.
There are not enough institutions or trained foster parents to care for these children.
A school official telephoned parents regularly to keep attendance high, and the school ran workshops to train parents on how to help their children.
Ms. Charlop, who works with families hit by lead poisoning, suggests a special effort to train parents of affected children to do paid abatement work.
She trains professionals, therapists, managers, practitioners, parents and carers in the approach known as Intensive Interaction.
The programme also trains school counselors, teachers and parents in mediation techniques.
Most recently he trained prospective foster parents, at a salary of $57,796.
They train school staff and parents, run seminars for students, and operate a telephone help line.