The same year, he established a private university in Yokohama, of the Fujiwara Institute of Technology, to train engineers and managerial talent.
The bids competed on the extent of investment, black empowerment, local programming, plans to train local talent, and financial viability.
Because of Larson's demeanor and ability to train new talent, Larson was given the task to spot and train new animators at Disney in the 1970s.
Losing a butcher is losing a chance to train new talent.
Because of the way he could train new talent, Larson was given the job to spot and train new animators at Disney in the 1970s.
In addition to managing various institutions, Ilsong also put in a great deal of effort to train talent in the field of medicine.
Main goal of this program is training global talent.
Darren & Brose co-founded the Latrobe Media Group which discovered and trained dozens of future international media talent.
And fortunately, there still appears to be a rich seam of new, solidly trained vocal talent to replace those who do move west.
It was therefore necessary "to dip rather deep into the pool of available Conservatory trained talent", and the circle became known for the number of less-than-first-rate talents harbored within it.