He was normally stationed in Paris where his schedule allowed him to train in the mornings with his coach Jacqueline Vaudecrane.
There was tension between Greene and Montgomery, who trained with Marion Jones's coach, Trevor Graham, in the weeks leading up to this race.
In January 2008, Rowbury enjoyed her first extended stint at altitude in central Mexico where she trained for six weeks with her coach and teammates.
In December, the 21-year-old Williams graduated from the University of Miami, and she still trains there with her coach, Amy Deem.
Then, eight years later, Perec moved from sunny California to Germany to train with Koch's coach.
"It was my very best performance," said Kulik, who trains with his coach Tatyana Tarasova in Marlboro, Mass.
Five weeks ago, she decided she did, and she left home to train with her old coach.
He trained in Rochester, MN with his coach Barbara Kasowska.
The next year, at age 15, she left her hometown of Urbana, Ill., to train with her coach in Eugene, Ore.
Jesse lives with a family in a suburb of Los Angeles to train with Barbara Roles, her coach for the last two and half years.