She is a trained actress in screen acting, advertorials and public speaking.
Marie Steiner-von Sivers, Steiner's wife, who was a trained actress and speech artist, was given responsibility for training and directing this ensemble.
She was not a trained actress and this was her first film.
Guyse wasn't an experienced or trained actress but she was a natural talent.
She is also a trained actress.
Rochester is a trained actress having graduated from The Australian Academy of Dramatic Arts.
She is a trained actress, studying theatre arts at Rose Bruford College, and worked as a stage actress after graduating.
A trained actress, she appeared in theaters and on television series during her time as a newsreader, various music programs and the NDR Talkshow.
Sher recently lived in New York with his wife Kristin Flanders (a Yale trained actress) and two daughters.
The cadence of her voice had been almost accent-free, like that of a trained actress or maybe someone who had attended a fancy school.