The most common form of wine competition is intended to obtain valid comparisons of wines by trained experts.
In some cases, companies are paying as much as 50 percent more than last year in salaries for trained experts or middle-level managers.
They needed every one of the trained experts they'd brought; every reserve resource.
Bokken eventually became lethal weapons themselves in the hands of trained experts.
You need the help of trained experts.
About 200 more trained experts are on call so they can be put to work within a matter of weeks.
Turning the flour into soba is a task for trained experts.
Feeding the world's a job for trained experts now, boy.
That was done by elected officials, who often as not failed to listen to the trained experts who'd spent their lives handling such matters.
In the case of Iraq, which has a much larger corps of trained nuclear experts, many of the same assumptions turned out to be wrong.