Stockdale, with his backwoods knowledge, takes charge and gives his party a comfortable time similar to being in a resort, while the trained group barely survives.
It's a trained group of individuals that were trained in Afghanistan.
Rather than using an in-house, trained group of testers, just five to six random people are brought in to test the product, or service.
That he was loved by his soldiers seems unlikely; there were frequent mutinies for the suppression of which Washington kept a well-fed and trained group of militia.
Mosley then decided to expand his personal bodyguard, the so-called 'Biff Boys', to create a more disciplined and trained group.
He also instituted a rigorous pilot-training program and established a trained group of reserve officers for ground support duties.
In addition, the trained group had improved emotion regulation and reduced ruminative thinking.
It is an effective method especially if the charge affects daily life so that the trained group can be seen to operate differently and can be asked for advice frequently.
With procedures that are only used occasionally it is less likely to be successful and the trained group may even forget their training.
If there are some who have misunderstood the system amongst the trained group then this misunderstanding will spread and become difficult to eradicate.