When he trained with his sword or mace, only his trainer arrived for the sessions.
Then the trainers had arrived and suddenly the Keldara found their true purpose returning.
Later in the week, the players go to their last chance workout, with their trainers having just arrived there to help them.
Soon after the foreign trainers arrived, NTC units swept into Tripoli.
When a hunky personal trainer arrives at her office she salivates as much as any male wolf would for a "Baywatch" babe.
Then, just before the trainers arrived, he yanked off his helmet and threw it to the ground.
In the late 1970s further MiG-21 fighters and trainers arrived, including MiG-21MF.
This gear is now housed in the caravanserai until trainers arrive.
Next week the trainers will be arriving.
The bloodhound's trainer, a tall, gentle Georgian, with a melancholy moustache, arrived to deliver a fresh string of apologies.