TAC also assigned a mobile training detachment to the school at Cape Canaveral AFS to assume crew training.
Detachment Pietarinen (Osasto Pietarinen, training detachment)
Supporting the Global War on Terror continues to be a priority by conducting training detachments across eight states in preparation for further deployments.
Additionally, a special forces squad (39 personnel) operates from Tagab in Kapisa Province, and a training detachment of 47 personnel is in Kabul.
The Canadian Forces has a naval training detachment within the school, so it is common to see students in military uniform.
He was transferred back to the local training detachment, but not as an active instructor and subsequently ended his service on terminal leave two years and three months ago.
Simultaneously, the first Russian training detachment of submarine navigation was founded.
Between February and October 1943 two technical training detachments operated at Fairfax.
Additionally, the squadron deployed two separate training detachments to the Republic of Korea in January 2004.
The training detachment had a separate system, geared toward the needs of homesick draftees.