Individuals who exhibit high trait anxiety, for example, prefer not to participate in medical decision-making.
Gender differences in trait anxiety may contribute to lower pain thresholds in women, putting them at greater risk for a number of chronic pain disorders.
Eysenck, Michael W. A cognitive approach to trait anxiety.
The attachment dimensions and the FIS were significantly correlated in the predicted direction with trait anxiety".
Spielberger (1972) made an important differentiation between 'trait anxiety' and 'state anxiety'.
It was developed to provide both short and reliable scales based on a person's answers to access state and trait anxiety.
This inventory is made up of 40 questions, and distinguishes between a person's state anxiety and their trait anxiety.
GAD is characterized by "trait anxiety" which results in a person experiencing high levels of stress across a wide range of situations.
For individuals who practiced yoga twice weekly for a period of two months, levels of state anxiety and trait anxiety decreased.
Since the BAI does only questions symptoms occurring over the last month, it is not a measure of trait anxiety or state anxiety.