When his face is finally shown, there are similarities, and he comments that he possesses three penises, a trait previously attributed to the Moblins.
They also believe that invented positive traits attributed to him do not hold a closer scrutiny.
In the Jigsaw group there was a decrease in negative traits attributed to Asians and European-Australians.
Richard Reynolds noted that by taking initiative to "help the world", Veidt displays a trait normally attributed to villains in superhero stories, and in a sense he is the "villain" of the series.
These divisions are known as the "decans" or "decantes" and cover modifications of individual traits, attributed to minor planetary influences, which temper or blend with the ruling influence of the period.
Individuals who use these variants can then gain the appearance of the social traits attributed to the dialect.
The traits attributed to indigo children, he said, are so general that they "could describe most of the people most of the time," which means that they don't describe anything.
They are remarkable for their intelligent hunting behaviour which suggests they are capable of learning and problem solving, traits normally attributed to much larger animals.
As we proceed through this chapter you will be interested to note how every trait attributed to this type applies with absolute accuracy to every extremely raw-boned, angular person you have ever known.
These latter two were considered a more coarse form of taking tobacco and, as such, were deemed very "American" in nature by Europeans as spitting was a trait attributed to their usage.