Elbryan nodded, glad that the man felt some remorse for his traitorous actions.
As they struggle over the knife, Walker has a flashback about Shrader's traitorous actions in Vietnam, which led their platoon into an ambush.
Mr. Freeh said Mr. Hanssen's activity "represents the most traitorous actions imaginable."
Orchard suggested that MacKay's "traitorous" actions put the above scenario in jeopardy.
"Wouldn't that be taken as traitorous action?"
Squanto's traitorous actions threatened the peace, divided the leadership at Plimoth Plantation and aroused the ire of Massasoit, who demanded that he be returned for punishment.
Finally they turn on their master and begin firing arrows at him as revenge for his traitorous actions.
Joystick was imprisoned for her traitorous actions during the Wellspring debacle and Speed Demon ran away to avoid arrest.
The only possible explanation is that he has been planning to involve you as a cover for his traitorous actions.
A time when Admiral Cartwright, whose traitorous actions had come within a whisker of sparking a new war, was still seen by some as a hero.